The Chinese economy is expected to lead emerging markets in a period of economic recovery throughout 2009 and 2010. Investors who are optimistic about Chinas medium- to long-term prospects should consider investing in Public China Ittikal Fund (PCIF). Investing in this fund will enable investors to capitalise on the opportunities of the Greater China markets, which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan.
In The News
Chinese stocks are the most attractive worldwide as the global economy recovers.
Barton Biggs, former chief global strategist for Morgan Stanley
(Source: The Edge Financial Daily, June 1, 2009)
Chinas economy is on the mend fuelled largely by the countrys huge economic stimulus package. The turnaround is likely to begin this year and take full hold in 2010. World Bank on April 6 (Source: The Edge Malaysia, April 20, 2009)
Chinas economy will be the fastest in the world to recover. If you have the cash,
you can consider buying equities and properties. Li Ka Shing, Asias second richest man
(Source: Bloomberg, March 26, 2009)
Special Service Charges During Promotional Period
Enjoy the following special service charges for investments
into PCIF during the promotional period.
Total investment per transaction Promotional Service Charge per transaction
RM 5,000 RM 9,999 per transaction 5.25 % of NAV per unit
RM 10,000 & above per transaction 5.00 % of NAV per unit
Promotional Period:
Submission of Investments/ Bank-in Date
16 June 2009 to 31 July 2009
Fund Features
*PCIF is an Islamic equity fund that seeks to achieve capital growth over the medium- to long-term period by investing in a portfolio of Shariah-compliant investments in the Greater China region and the balance in the domestic market.
*A minimum of 70% of the funds net asset value (NAV) will be invested in the Greater China region namely in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan markets. The fund can also invest in China-based companies listed on overseas markets such as Singapore, the United States of America and other approved markets.
*Equity exposure: Generally range from 75% to 90% of its NAV.
*Suitable for investors with aggressive risk-reward temperaments.
Why Invest in This Fund?
*The Chinese economy is projected to grow by 6.5% in 2009 and 7.5% in 20101 supported by the governments US$586 billion stimulus package and accommodative monetary policy. Over the longer term, growth is expected to be sustained by resilient domestic consumption which is propelled by rising income levels, urbanisation, and favourable demographics.
*Hong Kongs financial services hub benefits from the opening of Chinas capital markets while Taiwan is expected to capitalise on Chinas growth as a potential market and outsourcing hub for its electronics industry. In addition, the Taiwan governments decision to allow Chinese institutions and corporations to invest directly in the Taiwan stock market effective 2 May 2009 is expected to improve business sentiment in Taiwan and enhance the islands growth prospects over the longer-term.
*PCIF has an attractive fund management fee of 1.6% per annum of the NAV.
*For every transaction of RM500 and above into PCIF during the promotional period, Public Mutual will donate RM1 to Baitulmal, an authorised body to accept and manage funds for the benefits of the society.
1 International Monetary Fund, April 2009.
Terms & Conditions
1. All investments must be submitted or banked in within the stipulated period of 16 June 2009 to 31 July 2009.
2. Applicable to all initial and additional cash investments.
3. All switching of funds are excluded, except switching from low-load units of bond/money market funds into this fund.
4. Redemption within 6 business days during the cooling-off period is not considered.
5. Investment by staff of PBB Group and UTC at NAV (Pink Form purchases) are excluded.
You are advised to read and understand the contents of the Master Prospectus of Public Series of Shariah-Based Funds dated 30 April 2009 before investing. This prospectus has been registered with the Securities Commission who takes no responsibility for its contents, and neither should its registration be interpreted to mean that the Commission recommends the investment.
You should note that there are fees and charges involved; and that the prices of units and distribution payable, if any, may go down as well as up. Past performance of a fund is not an indication of its future performance. Applications to purchase units must come in the form of a duly completed application form referred to in and accompanying the Prospectus. A copy of the Prospectus can be obtained from your attending unit trust consultant or nearest Public Mutual branch.