Friday, September 18, 2009


(bergema tahmid dari masjid di pagi raya)

Sempena kedatangan Syawal pada tahun ini.. saya dan keluarga ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri kepada umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Saya dan keluarga juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini ingin menghulurkan sepuluh jari memohon kemaafan zahir dan batin atas segala kesalahan yang sengaja atau tak di sengajakan.. Mana2 tulisan di blog, kalau ada menyentuh hati.. kemaafan ku pinta..
Orang dah mula balik kampung, anak2 dah tak bersekolah lagi hari ni.. jalan raya dan mula lengang, tapi jalan menuju ke tol semakin sesak.. aku masih disini.. dan seperti tahun2 lepas menyambut raya di sini bersama keluarga dan kedua orang tua ku.. sebelum balik ke rumah mertua petang raya pertama.. Hmm.. Berhati2 di jalan raya.. Elakkan kemalangan..
Semoga amalan2 kita di bulan Ramadhan di terima Allah SWT, dan semoga kita berkesempatan menyambuat Ramadhan dan Syawal di tahun hadapan.. Amin..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Grow your wealth by investing in a portfolio of Australia-based assets

Vast natural resources and a resilient services sector are two factors underpinning Australias economic recovery in the year ahead. Meanwhile, valuations of selected Australian stocks remain attractive. Invest in the new Public Australia Equity Fund to capitalise on the long-term growth potential of the Australian market.
*An equity fund that seeks to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in the Australian market with the balance invested in the New Zealand and domestic markets.
*Equity exposure: generally range from 75% to 90% of its net asset value.
*Initial issue price is RM0.25 per unit during offer period (8 28 September 2009).
*As Australian equities are expected to keep pace with the rising cost of Australias university education over the long term, investors could consider using this investment as a hedge to their childrens future educational expenses in Australia.
*Suitable for investors with an aggressive risk-reward temperament.
Enjoy special service charges
for investments into
Public Australia Equity Fund (PAUEF)
during offer period.

Investment amount per transaction Special Service Charge
RM5,000 to RM9,999 per transaction 5.25% of Initial IssuePrice per unit
RM10,000 and above per transaction 5.00% of Initial IssuePrice per unit

For further information, please contact your Public Mutual unit trust consultant,
call our Customer Service Hotline at 03-6207 5000 or visit
OR you can contact ME

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kelahiran Soraya di bulan Ramadhan..

Tahun ini, sambutan bulan Ramadan agak berlainan.. kami menerima pertambahan ahli keluarga baru, anak kami yang ke enam pada 24 hb Ogos 2009, hari berpuasa yang ke 3 pada tahun ini.. Walaupun telah berulangkali aku menjalani proses kelahiran anak2 ku, setiap satunya mempunyai cara yang tersendiri.. unik dan membahagiakan apabila semuanya berjalan lancar.. Semuanya dari doa restu sahabat handai dan ahli keluarga yang sentiasa berdoa untuk kami.. Gambar2 ini diambil sebalik sahaja proses kelahiran selesai dan baby di mandikan sebelum diserahkan kepada kami untuk di azankan..

Soraya Syahmi.. Kahadiranmu memang di tunggu2.. lebih2 lagi oleh kakak Sofea.. Dikesempatan ini juga.. kami ingin mengucapkan selamat menyambut Ramadan bulan yang penuh kemuliaan.. Penuhilah hari2 anda dengan amal dan banyak2 melakukan ibadah di bulan yang mulia ini.. semoga Allah menerima segala perbuatan baik yang kita lakukan itu..

Dibulan puasa ini, kami masih menjalankan aktiviti seperti tahun2 lalu, iaitu menjual kuih raye.. Dan kami juga ada membuka gerai di bazar Ramadhan berdekatan dengan pasaraya Ong Tai Kim, Gombak..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Payouts for six Public Mutual Funds

Public Bank's wholly-owned subsidiary, Public Mutual has announced distribution for six of its funds.
The total gross distributions declared for the financial year ended 31 July 2009 are as follows:
Name of Fund Gross Distribution/Unit :
Public Growth Fund 4.00 sen per unit
Public Islamic Opportunities Fund 2.00 sen per unit
Public Islamic Select Enterprises Fund 1.25 sen per unit
Public Bond Fund 5.00 sen per unit
Public Islamic Select Bond Fund 3.50 sen per unit
Public Islamic Income Fund 2.50 sen per unit
According to The Edge-Lipper Fund Table dated 20 July 2009, Public Growth Fund and Public Islamic Opportunities Fund have generated a three-year return of 40.11 per cent and 45.01 per cent respectively for the period ended 10 July 2009.
As for the bond funds, Public Bond Fund has generated a three-year return of 15.56 per cent while Public Islamic Select Bond Fund which was launched in 2007 has generated a one-year return of 6.59 per cent.
These funds have outperformed their benchmarks for the respective periods.
(Source : NST 030809)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Latest Cakes project

A 1kg Chocolate moist order from teacher Hayati..

This one, a 1.6kg Oreo Cheese Cake with blueberry topping. An order from a friend in MIDA.. (bila pandang2.. eh! sama pulak deco nyer..)

Pandangan sisi cheese cake..

An order from Hannat.. tak nak cream banyak2.. with M&M added..

Hope you like the cakes..

"Happy Birthday Auni Nazirah"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Public Natural Resources Equity Fund

Capitalise on the potential of the natural resources sectors

With this fund, you have the opportunity to benefit from the global demand for natural resources and hedge your investments against future inflationary pressures. Growth of the middle class and infrastructure development in China, India and other emerging markets ensures that continuous demand for commodities will drive up prices and lead to potential long-term rewards for investors.

* Aims to achieve capital growth over the medium to long term by investing in a portfolio of equities and equity-related securities of companies that are engaged in or are substantially related to the natural resources sectors in the domestic and overseas markets.
* The resources sectors which the fund will invest in include energy, metals and mining, agriculture, forestry and paper.

* Equity exposure: Generally range from 75% to 90% of its net asset value (NAV).

* Initial Issue Price is RM0.25 per unit during offer period (30 June 20 July 2009).
* Suitable for investors with an aggressive risk-reward temperament.
Enjoy the following special service charges for investments into Public Natural Resources Equity Fund (PNREF) during offer period.

Investment amount per transaction Special Service Charge
RM5,000 to RM9,999 per transaction 5.25% of Initial IssuePrice per unit
RM10,000 and aboveper transaction 5.00% of Initial IssuePrice per unit

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Public China Ittikal Fund (PCIF)

The Chinese economy is expected to lead emerging markets in a period of economic recovery throughout 2009 and 2010. Investors who are optimistic about Chinas medium- to long-term prospects should consider investing in Public China Ittikal Fund (PCIF). Investing in this fund will enable investors to capitalise on the opportunities of the Greater China markets, which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan.
In The News
Chinese stocks are the most attractive worldwide as the global economy recovers.
Barton Biggs, former chief global strategist for Morgan Stanley
(Source: The Edge Financial Daily, June 1, 2009)

Chinas economy is on the mend fuelled largely by the countrys huge economic stimulus package. The turnaround is likely to begin this year and take full hold in 2010. World Bank on April 6 (Source: The Edge Malaysia, April 20, 2009)

Chinas economy will be the fastest in the world to recover. If you have the cash,
you can consider buying equities and properties. Li Ka Shing, Asias second richest man
(Source: Bloomberg, March 26, 2009)

Special Service Charges During Promotional Period

Enjoy the following special service charges for investments
into PCIF during the promotional period.

Total investment per transaction Promotional Service Charge per transaction
RM 5,000 RM 9,999 per transaction 5.25 % of NAV per unit
RM 10,000 & above per transaction 5.00 % of NAV per unit

Promotional Period:
Submission of Investments/ Bank-in Date
16 June 2009 to 31 July 2009
Fund Features
*PCIF is an Islamic equity fund that seeks to achieve capital growth over the medium- to long-term period by investing in a portfolio of Shariah-compliant investments in the Greater China region and the balance in the domestic market.

*A minimum of 70% of the funds net asset value (NAV) will be invested in the Greater China region namely in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan markets. The fund can also invest in China-based companies listed on overseas markets such as Singapore, the United States of America and other approved markets.

*Equity exposure: Generally range from 75% to 90% of its NAV.

*Suitable for investors with aggressive risk-reward temperaments.
Why Invest in This Fund?

*The Chinese economy is projected to grow by 6.5% in 2009 and 7.5% in 20101 supported by the governments US$586 billion stimulus package and accommodative monetary policy. Over the longer term, growth is expected to be sustained by resilient domestic consumption which is propelled by rising income levels, urbanisation, and favourable demographics.
*Hong Kongs financial services hub benefits from the opening of Chinas capital markets while Taiwan is expected to capitalise on Chinas growth as a potential market and outsourcing hub for its electronics industry. In addition, the Taiwan governments decision to allow Chinese institutions and corporations to invest directly in the Taiwan stock market effective 2 May 2009 is expected to improve business sentiment in Taiwan and enhance the islands growth prospects over the longer-term.

*PCIF has an attractive fund management fee of 1.6% per annum of the NAV.

*For every transaction of RM500 and above into PCIF during the promotional period, Public Mutual will donate RM1 to Baitulmal, an authorised body to accept and manage funds for the benefits of the society.

1 International Monetary Fund, April 2009.

Terms & Conditions

1. All investments must be submitted or banked in within the stipulated period of 16 June 2009 to 31 July 2009.
2. Applicable to all initial and additional cash investments.
3. All switching of funds are excluded, except switching from low-load units of bond/money market funds into this fund.
4. Redemption within 6 business days during the cooling-off period is not considered.
5. Investment by staff of PBB Group and UTC at NAV (Pink Form purchases) are excluded.

You are advised to read and understand the contents of the Master Prospectus of Public Series of Shariah-Based Funds dated 30 April 2009 before investing. This prospectus has been registered with the Securities Commission who takes no responsibility for its contents, and neither should its registration be interpreted to mean that the Commission recommends the investment.

You should note that there are fees and charges involved; and that the prices of units and distribution payable, if any, may go down as well as up. Past performance of a fund is not an indication of its future performance. Applications to purchase units must come in the form of a duly completed application form referred to in and accompanying the Prospectus. A copy of the Prospectus can be obtained from your attending unit trust consultant or nearest Public Mutual branch.

Aksi Cat..

Inilah dia Pak Abu @ TOM yang dah mula jinak dengan family kitaorang..

Tempahan birthday cake 1kg untuk babynya..

Lagi tempahan birthday cake, 2kg dari Teacher Yati..

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Selamat hari bapa


Dikesempatan ini, aku ingin mengucapkan selamat hari bapa teristimewa untuk bapaku Mohd.Shariff bin Che Lin. Dalam usiaku yang telah menjangkau usia terlebih matang ini, aku masih lagi mengharapkan perlindungan dan kasih-sayang dari seorang bapa.. Masih aku ingat lagi semasa kecil dahulu, di belakang bapa lah aku akan berlindung jika ibu ingin memukulku jika aku nakal.. Abah akan pura2 menyelamatkan aku jika aku sedang berlari dari rotan emak!! Hmm.. terasa selamat betullah jika abah ada di situ.. Abahlah yang bersusah payah mengisi borang untuk aku melanjutkan pelajaran ke IPTA, sedangkan waktu itu aku belajar di tingkatan enam, sedar2 aje.. "permohonan anda telah di terima..". TERIMA KASIH ABAH.. Kerana abahlah yang telah mencorakkan masa depanku.. sehingga aku menjadi seperti hari ini..

Cheese Cake Selamat Hari Bapa tempahan dari Dini.. Thanks Dini sebab tak jemu2 makan cheese cake ni..

Tempahan Kek dari kawan Sofea dengan request utk tulis nama bapanya..

Moist Chocolate Cake : Kek bertunang utk hantaran kepihak lelaki...

Terima kasih Jehan sbb order kek dari akak..

Lagi kek bertunang dari Teacher Yati untuk saudaranya.. Thanks ye..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hari Sukan SK (2) Gombak, Ahad 19 April 2009

Tahun ini merupakan hari sukan yang pertama aku tak dapat menghadirkan diri.. setiap tahun, bermula dari Fikri di tahun 1, pasti aku dapat melapangkan diri hadir.. sehinggalah sekarang dia dah di tingkatan 1. Sehinggakan ke Fahmi dan Sofea... Sorry Firman.. sukan tahun 1 dia dan tak dapat aku menghadirkan diri..

Walaupun aku tak ada, Firman dapat juga menang pingat untuk acara campuran, sukaneka.

Sofea pun menang juga.. Fahmi yang kat belakang tu, tak dapat masuk acara apa2 pun tahun ni, maklum lah dah di tahun 5, tak de acara sukaneka lagi.. Nak lumba lari / lompat tinggi, tak fit kot.. tak pe Ami, tahun depan, try your best k. Mama dulu masa sekolah rendah, siap wakil sekolah lagi untuk acara lumba lari.. hehe.. (teringat dolu2..).

Cupcakes yang sempat aku buat untuk hujung minggu itu, order dari iera, rakan dari web untuk majlis tunang.. hope you satisfied.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Last Friday,

Got a last minute order from Diana (friend of Redmummy), She ordered on Thursday and wanted the cupcakes ready by Friday.. Hmm.. nasib baik tak banyak order ari tu, so boleh le buatkan untuk cik Diana kita.. She wanted the 'naughty' theme.. so, here it is..
Anyway, thanks for ordering..
Banyak cerita2 menarik anda boleh dapati dari blog REDMUMMY, happy surfing..

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Public Select Alpha - 30 Fund

Dear friends,

This is the perfect time for you to invest! Do not hesitate to call me if you have anything to ask.. Happy Investing..

High quality stocks at low prices its the perfect combination. And you can zoom in on 30 of them through the Public Select Alpha-30 Fund, and look forward to potentially good capital growth over the medium to long term.

*Aims to achieve capital growth by investing in up to a maximum of 30 stocks primarily listed on Bursa Securities.

*To achieve increased diversification, the fund may invest in selected foreign markets such as Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and other markets.

*Equity exposure: generally range from 75% to 95% of its net asset value (NAV).
Initial Issue Price is RM0.25 per unit during offer period (7 27 April 2009).

*Suitable for investors with aggressive risk-reward temperament.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baru-baru ni, ada sorang kawan menempah cupcakes untuk di bawa masa potluck Terima kasih Nor.. Ini ler sahaja yang dapat di buat.. harap Nor berpuas hati..

Redmummy ni merupakan blog terhangat masa kini.. cubalah buka ye.. dan sesiapa yang berminat nak menempah cupcakes.. boleh le call /sms k. Terima kasih..
ps: sorry ye redmummy, ciplak lak gambar dari blog U sbb tak sempat amik gambo ari tu.. Love your blog, cara bercerita yang sempoi dan ada-ada jer cerita baru..